In 2009, WaterWays Caribbean facilitated a 2-week program for Dominica Community High School students followed by a year of collaboration with Domlec and Agriculture in which the students learned about watersheds, and the impact of agriculture on the river, and they measured water quality and streamflow. Archbold Tropical Research and Education Center (ATREC) was a huge partner, and the SUN Foundation helped with composting training to build shade structures and grow native plants. We also re-planted trees to reduce erosion in the Roseau River. Christine Bock was a huge help in assisting with the replanting and the student greenhouse work. Two groups of US students from Notre Dame High School visited to help with projects and learn about Dominica.
Worked with Conyers Rotary Club and Dominica Rotary Club (Adler Hammit and Gloria Tavernier) to rehabilitate a public toilet and build a wastewater wetland in Mero Beach. ATREC was again instrumental in the project.

Programs & Projects
Mero Beach
Mero Beach Rotary Project
Mero Beach is the favorite beach for locals to visit in Dominica. This black sand beach might see a thousand people for a Sunday Beach Bash. However, very few in the village have indoor plumbing and they were in great need of improving sanitary practices. In response, 4 Rotary Clubs in Georgia, 2 in Tennessee have partnered with the Dominica Rotary Club and Caribbean SEA to provide model wastewater garden and a public toilet for the village. The kids in the village will also receive education programs about watersheds with a Ridge to Reef Watershed training camp this summer and programs throughout the year to help monitor the quality of the water around Mero. Projected completion date is July, 2009.
High School
Environmental Caretakers ProjectDominica Community High School
Roseau Valley, Dominica
Summer 2006! We spent two weeks with DCHS teachers Bertilia Bethel-Victor and Nara Winston and nearly 30 of their students kicking off their Environmental Caretakers program! The teachers designed a program to integrate Environmental goals into their curriculum with field trips and exercises, sponsored by Dominica Electricity Services and the National Marine Sanctuaries White Water 2 Blue Water program. Vanessa Prevost of the SUN Foundation provided composting training and SEA staff with the assistance of Forestry officers and the Scott’s Head/ Soufriere Marine Reserve instructed the students in Ridge to Reef Watershed conservation. They even learned to snorkel!! The RainForest Aerial Tram taught about the rain forest and provided a tram ride for the students The students are growing trees in their newly constructed shade house to replant areas along the river to reduce erosion and evaporation. Their long term project is to start a composting program for the Roseau Valley to be housed at the school.