Mountain Creek

In 2018, WaterWays was awarded a 319 grant (funded by an agreement with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture Nonpoint Source Program and the United States EPA) for the Mountain Creek Watershed. We recently finished up the grant by selecting six sites in the watershed to construct green infrastructure and reduce erosion with native plants and nature based erosion control measures, including Mountain Creek Church of Christ, Red Bank Community Center, schools and the new Walden’s Ridge Park.

For more information on sites and specific projects, check out the Mountain Creek Restoration Projects Story Map.

Project Highlight: Mountain Creek Stream Bank Stabilization Project

Red Bank Elementary School

Mountain Creek runs along the back border of Red Bank Elementary School’s property, providing an incredible outdoor laboratory for the students. Unfortunately, excess stormwater surging through the creek after rainstorms was eating away the stream bank and pushing the creek closer and closer to the back driveway to the school. It was quickly becoming a hazard for the kids and families and polluting the creek with excess sedimentation.

WaterWays applied for and was awarded two grants which would partially fix the stream bank, from the Tennessee Healthy Watershed Initiative and EPA’s 319 Program for non-point source pollution reduction.

Adam Pierce, a lead member of our Young Professional Board and an Erosion Control Specialist for Propex, spearheaded the project and enlisted the support PropexWright BrothersGroundscape Concepts, Profile, and Midsouth Aggregates to all donate their materials, equipment and personnel for the project. Shannon Kelly, now with ASA Engineering, donated her time to provide engineering design and apply for permits.

The Red Bank Elementary School Stream Team worked collaboratively with Adam, Shannon, and the rest of the engineers to formulate and present their ideas. Bringing it all full circle, each company’s lead on the project was an alumnus of a Red Bank school! The streambank stabilization was successfully completed in 2018, and would not have been made possible without overwhelming community support and collaboration.

RBES alum, Propex engineer, and Young Professional Advisory Board member Adam Pierce was an integral part of making the stream bank restoration possible.