Join WaterWays in celebrating WWD 2024 with a watershed scavenger hunt! Painted rocks will be placed in various locations within each watershed in the greater Chattanooga area. If found, return to the Gear Closet to claim an awesome prize!
Search locations & explore your watershed! If found, call 423-413-3298, email intern@mywaterways.org, DM @mywaterways OR stop by the Gear Closet immediately to report the number on the back of the rock.
Return your painted rock to the Gear Closet (305 Signal Mountain Road, Chattanooga, TN 37405) to claim a prize! Rocks must be returned no later than Wednesday, April 3, 2024, at 5 pm.
Share your findings on social media and tag @mywaterways to receive an extra prize!
Prizes may include WaterWays swag, Gear Closet gift cards, and even tickets to the Aquarium!
Each number corresponds to a different mystery prize!
One rock is redeemable for prizes per group.
Follow our WWD 2024 Story @mywaterways highlight for hints throughout the week! Happy hunting!