WaterWays Awarded at Tennessee RiverLine Summit

What happens when over a thousand individuals rally behind a common cause? Magic, that’s what. Picture this: the 36th Annual Tennessee River Rescue, this past October 5th. A thousand hearts and hands, spread across six counties in three states, all within the Tennessee River Watershed. Their mission? To reclaim the pristine beauty of the Tennessee River and its tributaries from the grip of litter. The result? Over 38,000 pounds of litter removed from our precious waterways.


If you ask us at WaterWays, we’d say that’s a story worth telling. And it seems we’re not alone. We were proud to accept the Excellence in Stewardship Award at the Annual Tennessee RiverLine Summit – a testament to the power of community and a reminder of the work we still have ahead of us.


We are also proud to share that our Assistant Director and Tennessee River Rescue Coordinator, Brooke Fleeman, was awarded an Extra Mile Award for her commitment to work in the Chattanooga area.


We owe these achievement to the tireless efforts of our partners, the Tennessee River Rescue’s leaders, and of course, the volunteers. The dream of a litter-free future is within reach, thanks to your hard work. And for that, we say thank you. We hope our story inspires others to join our mission. After all, isn’t it time we protected our river, and ultimately our ocean, from the scourge of plastic pollution?

SAVE THE DATE: Tennessee River Rescue October 4th, 2025!


Tennessee RiverLine Announces 2024 Award Recipients at 6th Annual Summit

WaterWays Assistant Director Brooke Fleeman